On-Site Development

The cost for a ½ Day Workforce Development Workshop conducted on site for your organization is:

  • Training Fee – $750.00
  • Reimbursement for Travel
    Airfare or mileage (at $.50/mile)
    Lodging for one night (if there are no flights departing on the evening of the workshop(s), an additional night of lodging will be required.)
    Per Diem (as determined for state in which training takes place)
    Rental Car and Gasoline (when applicable)
    Airport Parking (when applicable)
    Luggage Fees (when applicable)

Training for Professionals

In an effort to help build the capacity of organizations and to address prevention workforce development needs in the nonprofit sector, The Trans4m Center offers a wide variety of workshops and seminars at local, state and national conferences as well as for individual organizations.